
Important Announcement: PKR Exchange Rate Increased (28/01/2023)

  • 28 Январь 2023
We like to inform you that the recent fluctuation in US Dollar rate has also affected Web Hosting Industry. It was a hard decision to make but due to recent price hike in US Dollar rate pushed us to take this step and to stay in the market, We have increased the USD Conversion rate from 225PKR to 250PKR. The increased rate will affect all ...
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PKR Exchange Rate Increased 11/03/2022

  • 11 Март 2022
Dear Customer, As you all are very much aware that the price of dollar is increased to 180 Rupees and it is expected to increase in the coming days/weeks.Therefore, under such circumstances, our billing department is forced to increase the PKR conversion rate from 175 to 180 rupees for each US Dollar. USD prices is same but prices in PKR ...
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Forthcoming cPanel license price hike and account-based pricing

  • 18 Август 2019
Dear Customers & Partners,As you may have already heard, cPanel has announced a sudden massive Cpanel license price increase and a transition to a per-account billing model.With this change, providers will now be billed on a per-account basis (for both active/inactive accounts), instead of paying a flat, server-wide license fee. This is ...
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